Friday 11 November 2011

Sean BAILEY – “Union of Opposites”

These were a series of small collages on board with various areas painted. Each work painted various colours as though the board were a mixing palette. The difference here was that the blocks of paint were the objective rather than the constructed image. I felt that the paint was obtrusive and l wanted to scratch away to see what was underneath. There were 25 pieces in all.

I felt l was being told a story or it was a link the chain of events to come to a conclusion. The exhibition seemed blurry and convoluted. I would have liked to see a time lapsed documentation projected of the artist working on each of the pieces. The painted areas displayed some sort of code or symbols. It seemed each piece was marked in a crude and unsympathetic fashion. It could have been two artists working together. 

The more l look at these works online and reminded of what l viewed at the gallery, they seem to coerce me. They did need to be viewed as a whole as mentioned it was a sequence. By reading the titles, they could have been banal daily acts or small fragments of ideas. I would like to view this exhibition again to get a better understanding.

On until the 19Nov.

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