Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Claire LAMBE – "LazyBoy"

                                          Claire Lambe, LazyBoy 2012. Photos: Phebe Schmidt
                                                        Courtesy Sarah Scout, Melbourne

This exhibition explores the manifestations of fornication. I felt l was sifting through the remains of scattered innuendo and constructed unfinished works that leaves you with an open interpretation of things to come (no pun intended).

Candy Barr is a set of glass mirrored squares constructed in a manner of steps ripe for a saucy disco move. The mirror ball has been replaced with a bolder and brighter substitute. The reflection of different angles and warped fantasies reflect back at you.

How can such simple constructions be construed into a sexual connotation?

Ladies’ Evening is a pair of gold lycra jeans which are half stuffed. The work lies on the floor with the empty legs as discarded fabric. The work lies exhausted and in need of some rest. A propped plastic sheet leans on an opposing wall held by brackets. The plastic sheet has a whole cut through in the shape of a circle where any number of objects could be inserted.

The artist statement written by Nat Thomas was a refreshing read. The statement reflected on writing and modes of artist publicity, our ideas of galleries while incorporating the aspects of the exhibition.  A brazen statement complimenting an equally fabulously indecent, suggestive and uncouth exhibition. Franco Cozzo could learn a lot from Lambe’s work.

Until 26APR

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