Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Patricia TODARELLO – “Marking Time”

The new instalment of Todarello’s latest installation is quite subtle and simple put in its own context. 

“Marking Time” is a continuation of her work, which explores the often-unseen nuances of architecture. Todarello has created pieces of work that at first glance could be misconceived as simple. It is necessary to spend the time to view each work and to view it from different angles within the space. 

On the main wall there are three squared of pieces made and cordoned off with masking tape. Within the boarded tape is tape that has been attached horizontally and continued down to form a square. It has also been taped over in layers that create depth. The work is then painted over with acrylic white paint in both matte and gloss. There are many textures created and a subtlety formed that gives the viewer almost a two-dimensional feel. I felt after spending some time there l could appreciate the nature of the work. The white paint was highly effective in catching my eye and encouraging me to explore the work again.

On the opposing side was three works of photographic paper with masking tape holding it up by the middle of the paper. This meant that the top and bottom of the paper was unattached and collapsed on itself with the tape in the middle of the work being the anchor. There was layer upon layer of tape then painted over with white.

Each piece is unique and the artist tells me that she uses various masking tape. The tape can be types of yellow and can adhere differently. The texture can vary once the tape has been painted over. I would say this gives the works the difference in each, as the variable can be unpredictable.

For me this set of works is a working visual diary. I find it interesting that she creates these works directly on the wall so they can never be recreated and aren’t tangible like traditional artwork. The only documentation is the photos. Once the exhibition is over, the result will be layers of tape with paint left deserted.  This is reminiscent for me of when you paint a house and you cover the window edges with tape to avoid the paint. Once you remove the tape, its use is null and void and cannot be reused. I would be interested to see the documentation of the de-installation, masking/marking and end of time.

The exhibition was on for two days only, you can view the work on Todarello’s website or contact the artist to make an appointment.

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