Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Kate JAMES – “The other side of despair”

This new space; Daine Singer, was the last gallery on my Flinders Lane visit. I had been looking forward to seeing this space. It was our luck that the heavens had opened and rain was pouring down. The city lunch rush hour was on with people scattering for shelter and frantically checking their mobiles as plans change. We nearly ran past the building in hast to get cover.

Down the stairs to the basement in typical white gallery fashion, is Daine Singer space. You would hardly know of the chaos outside, only a few distant voices and hushed murmurs. The gallery is in an L shape.

I was instantly fascinated by the first installation named Transference. There stood an installation of a glass funnel that was attached at one end. There was an enclosed woven horsehair basket and the other end was the funnel where pieces of coal sat. To me it was a morphed funnel that transferred one substance to end in another substance but the essence remains the same. The woven object of course horsehair could have been a metaphor for a deep emotion, that being despair. The end result may have been the emotion broken down with remanence of the same heaviness that being the coal.

Further along was James installation named Hourglass. This was on the wall where a metal funnel hung with a long metal tube. The funnel and tube looked hand made and raw in construction. The top end of the funnel had a small mound of red pigment. The end had an attached red woven basket of horsehair. It was in the shape of a large half deflated balloon that faced towards the ground. I wanted to wait to see the red pigment fall and go to its end as an hourglass would. Time stood still and the creel seemed to inflate with hours accumulated.

The other installations where just as thought provoking and physically fascinating. There was also three framed pieces. I suggest visiting the show.

I really enjoyed the work by Kate James. My particular interest was the diverse use of materials that worked well depicting for me various states of emotion. Her skill in weaving the horsehair is exceptional. The hours spent must have put her into an almost mediative trance. An aspect of making artwork to be explored.

On until 30 July.


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